Sortierung nach
- Mabe, Byron
- Django Nudo und die lüsternen Mädchen von Porno Hill (1968)
- Maetzig, Kurt
- Schweigende Stern, Der (1960)
- Makiguchi, Yuuji
- Oxen Split Torturing (1969)
- Malatesta, Guido
- Irrfahrten des Herkules, Die (1962)
- Mallon, Jim
- Mystery Science Theatre 3000 - The Movie (1996)
- Mangold, James
- Identity (2003)
- Mann, Michael
- Manhunter (1986)
Collateral (2004)
- Manzor, René
- Dédales - Würfel um dein Leben (2003)
- Marchent, Rafael Romero
- ...und Santana tötet sie alle (1971)
- Margheriti, Antonio
- Virgin of Nuremberg (1963)
Castle of Blood (1964)
Fünf blutige Stricke (1968)
Kommando Leopard (1985)
- Marquand, Christian
- Candy (1968)
- Marschall, Andreas
- Tears of Kali (2004)
- Marshall, William
- Phantom Planet, The (1961)
- Martin, Eugenio
- Horror Express (1972)
- Martin, Wrye
- Aswang (1994)
- Martino, Sergio
- Killer von Wien, Der (1971)
Your Vice Is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key (1972)
Torso (1973)
Morte Sospetta di una Minorenne (1975)
Mannaja (1977)
Mountain of the Cannibal God (1978)
- Matthews, Paul
- Berserker - Krieger der Hölle (2001)
- Maylam, Tony
- Burning, The (1981)
- McDougall, Charles
- Heart (1999)
- McDougall, Don
- Planet of the Apes (1974)
- McEveety, Bernard
- Planet of the Apes (1974)
- McKee, Luckey
- May (2002)
- McNaughton, John
- Wild Things (1998)
- McTiernan, John
- Predator (1987)
- Meike, Mitsuru
- Glamorous Life Of Sachiko Hanai, The (2003)
- Meirelles, Fernando
- City of God (2002)
- Meng-Hwa, Ho
- Koloß von Konga, Der (1977)
- Menzies, William Cameron
- Invaders from Mars (1953)
- Merrick, Laurence
- Black Angels... die sich selbst zerfleischen (1970)
- Metzger, Radley
- Dark Odyssey (1961)
Dirty Girls, The (1964)
Alley Cats, The (1966)
Carmen, Baby (1967)
Therese und Isabelle (1968)
Kameliendame 2000 (1969)
Lickerish Quartet, The (1970)
Score (1972)
Little Mother (1973)
Cat and the Canary, The (1979)
Princess and the Call Girl, The (1984)
- Meyer, Russ
- Supervixens (1975)
Im tiefen Tal der Superhexen (1979)
- Michael Schultz
- Zeitfalle, Die (1987)
- Michael Winner
- Mann ohne Gnade - Death Wish II, Der (1982)
- Miike, Takashi
- Dead or Alive (1999)
Audition (1999)
Visitor Q (2001)
Call, The (2003)
Izo (2004)
Three... Extremes (2004)
- Milius, John
- Conan der Barbar (1982)
- Milner, Dan
- Phantom of 10.000 Leagues, The (1956)
- Mingozzi, Gianfranco
- Mafia-Story, Die (1968)
Flavia the Heretic (1974)
- Misumi, Kenji
- Lone Wolf and Cub - Sword of Vengeance (1972)
Lone Wolf and Cub - Baby Cart to Hades (1972)
Lone Wolf and Cub - Baby Cart at the River Styx (1972)
Lone Wolf and Cub - Baby Cart in the Land of Demons (1973)
Shogun Assassin (1980)
- Moctezuma, Juan López
- Alucarda (1978)
- Montesi, Jorge
- Omen IV: The Awakening (1991)
- Morrissey, Paul
- Flesh for Frankenstein (1974)
Blood for Dracula (1974)
- Mostow, Jonathan
- Terminator 3 (2003)
- Mulcahy, Russell
- Razorback - Kampfkoloss der Hölle (1984)
- Murnau, F.W.
- Tartüff (1926)
- Muro, James
- Street Trash (1986)
- Myrick, Daniel
- Blair Witch Project, The (1999)
© 1998 - 2025: Sense of View / Carsten Henkelmann